This post is to notify you of new lane closures for the SH146 project:
Kenneth Royal Drive, Hialeah Drive, and Miramar Green Street at SH146 will have alternating lane closures from 9:00am to 3:00pm on 12/17/19. These closures are to install a new waterline and storm sewer. Flaggers and police officers will be used as-needed.
Marvin Circle at SH146 will have alternating lane closures from 9:00am to 3:00pm on 12/18/19. This closure is to install new concrete storm sewer. Flaggers and police officers will be used as-needed.
SH146 from Red Bluff Road to SH96 will have alternating lane closures from9:00am to 3:00pm on 12/17/19. This closure is to refresh pavement markings.
These closures are subject to change if needed due to weather. Uniformed Police Officers will be onsite to assist if needed.